Stabilised Hydrogen Peroxide

Stabilised Hydrogen Peroxide Disinfection and Cleaning

Stabilised Hydrogen Peroxide is a highly effective disinfectant and cleaner. When used in accordance with supplier instructions stabilised hydrogen peroxide can be efficiently and cost-effectively be used to disinfect water, surfaces, indoor spaces and air.

What is Hydrogen Peroxide?

Hydrogen peroxide is a chemical compound made up of two hydrogen atoms and two oxygen atoms. Hydrogen peroxide is naturally occurring, produced by plant and animal cells, and small amounts of gaseous hydrogen peroxide occur naturally in the air.

It is an oxidizing agent that is unstable (molecularly) and decomposes quickly into only water and oxygen offering superb biodegradable properties. Unfortunately, regular hydrogen peroxide decomposes quickly limiting its effectiveness, particularly in water.

What is Stabilised Hydrogen Peroxide?

Stabilised hydrogen peroxide is an extremely effective, multi-purpose disinfectant biocide that can be used to control bacteria, viruses, mould, fungi and more.

Stabilised hydrogen peroxide is a type of hydrogen peroxide that is specially formulated to maintain its effectiveness as a disinfectant and cleaner. It is designed to provide a more powerful and longer lasting solution for disinfection purposes.

The key feature of stabilised hydrogen peroxide is its ability to have a longer oxidation life. This means that it remains active for a longer period of time, making it more effective for disinfection and cleaning. This also makes it a strong option for water disinfection by providing residual protection against micro-organisms.

However, it is important to note that not all stabilised hydrogen peroxides are created equal. The technology used in the stabilisation process can vary, resulting in different levels of performance.

One crucial aspect of stabilised hydrogen peroxide is that it retains the biodegradability properties of regular hydrogen peroxide. This means that when it breaks down, it only forms water and oxygen as by-products, making it environmentally friendly.

Stabilised Hydrogen Peroxide

How is Stabilised Hydrogen Peroxide good for cleaning and disinfection?

The effectiveness of hydrogen peroxide as a cleaning and disinfection agent has been established and with stabilisation of the formula the applications and uses for the product become many, but how does it work?

The stabilised hydrogen peroxide formula exerts its oxidizing activity, producing free radicals which leads to oxidative damage to proteins and membrane lipids.

Free radicals are unpaired electrons seeking another electron to become a pair, this process attracts the disinfectant formula to the bacterium/micro-organism. Once in contact the hydrogen peroxide physically destroys in a way that cannot be resisted.

Restabilisation of the hydrogen peroxide formula occurs once the bacterium or micro-organism is no longer present. Any un-used hydrogen peroxide re-bonds and re-stabilises with silver ions continuing to disinfect and meaning the only by-products of the hydrogen peroxide cleaning and disinfection process is water (h20) and oxygen (02).

What is stabilised hydrogen peroxide effective against?

Due to its strong oxidizing properties stabilised hydrogen peroxide can be used to disinfect against bacteria, viruses, mould, fungi, and more. Also, at correct dose rates it can penetrate and remove biofilms.

Other more traditional disinfection chemistries cannot penetrate and remove biofilms at a compliant dose rate. Biofilm removal is essential for a clean water system as biofilms can provide environments that harbour and proliferate bacteria and micro-organisms.

Is SureClear hydrogen peroxide?

Yes, SureClear is the market leading stabilised hydrogen peroxide. It is BPR compliant and approved by NSF International as an ANSI/CAN 60 approved drinking water treatment chemical. No harmful by-products are formed during the disinfection process, degrading only to water and oxygen.

Our team would be very happy to assist if you have any further questions or need any advice for your specific requirements. Please contact us via email or via our contact page.

by AaronM | Oct 18, 2023

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